Sunday, April 14, 2013

I finally ride a camel

This is way overdue, but a few weeks ago, some friends and I went to Jordan to see Petra (really cool lost city carved in stone) and Wadi Rum (desert nature preserve). If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've seen the pictures. Anyhow, the most important thing is that I rode a camel. Through the desert. And it was awesome. I've been hoping to ride a camel since I moved to Israel, and I finally got to do it.

this is me on a camel. just look at that grin.

these are my friends on camels.

We had an absolutely fabulous time, and it was a much needed break. As I hunker down now to start studying for finals, I wish I could go back. Petra was so beautiful that pictures couldn't do it justice, but here's a few...
the Monastery

the Urn Tomb

the Treasury

I also want to mention that I will be cheating on this blog with another blog. I'm the blogger of the month for our MSIH first year blog, which you can check out here I highly recommend reading some of the other entries, my fellow first years are incredible writers.